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Verdicts by Ukraine's Courts applying Article 436-1 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code (2015-2023)
How the production, distribution and public usage of communist and national-socialist symbols is punished in Ukraine?
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Ukraine Volunteer Battalion Combatants' Database
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Journalistic, expert and business reporting about Russia 1994-2019
Full text archive of nearly 100 sources
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Dataset of Clone Candidates in Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections
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Ukraine in global indices of political regimes and democratic quality
Selected values for the period 1991 - 2023
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The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict 2013-2023 in German Talk Show Debates
A "Zeitenwende" (turning point) in the German discourse?"
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Inter-ethnic prejudice in Ukraine (1994-2023)
Merged data from public opinion polls conducted by KIIS for the period 1994-2023
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The Four Modi of Russia’s Forced Naturalization of Ukrainians
Passportization and its Implications for Transitional Justice
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The Europeanization of Trade Unions in the Countries of the EU's Eastern Enlargement
Survey of Trade Union Leaders
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Participatory Budgeting in Ukraine
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Corporate Grant Competitions and Corporate Volunteering in Russian Regions
Russian Business and the Authoritarian Welfare State
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COVID-19 in the Russian Federation
1201 daily reports from 2020-01-31 to 2023-05-15
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How Russians perceive Russia's invasion of Ukraine, 2022
A large collection of semi-structured interviews
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Participation in Euromaidan and Antimaidan movements, Ukraine, 2014
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‘Policy Advice Supply Chain in Ukraine’ (PASCU)
Semi-structured interviews with policy advice stakeholders in Ukraine
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Readiness of Ukrainians to Participate in Social Protest Actions (2009-2021)
Data from National Public Opinion Polls Conducted by Kyiv International Institute of Sociology
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Monitoring of Labour Protests in Russia (MLP-Russia)
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Monitoring of Labour Protests in Kazakhstan (MLP-Kazakhstan)
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Everyday Life in Berlin in the early 2000s
Intercultural and Intracultural Peculiarities in the Merger of East and West Berlin from the Perspective of Russia and Berlin: An Empirical Study
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Innovation and eco-innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises
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Emigration of reservists escaping partial mobilization in Russia
Interviews with male reservists who fled Russia after the announcement of partial mobilization in September, 2022
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Perceptions and political decision-making strategies of Ukrainians who watched "Servant of the People" and voted for Volodymyr Zelensky in 2019
In-depth, semi-structured interviews
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Participants and law-enforcement in Maidan and Anti-Maidan protests in Ukraine, 2013-14
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Informal Practices in Doing Business in the Russian Far East
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Protest actions in Belarus 1997-2020
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Participation in local movements after the Russian “For Fair Elections” protest wave
In-depth interviews with activists in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region
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“For Fair Elections” protest wave (including pro-government rallies)
Guided interviews with participants in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Paris
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List of Political Prisoners of the Russian Federation, 2014-2016
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Maidan Oral History Archive
Interviews with participants of the Maidan protests in Ukraine 2013/14
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Detentions during public actions
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The Advice of International Organisations for Social Policy Reforms in the post-Soviet Region
A dataset of 3,873 documents of four major international organisations, which advised post-Soviet states in reforming their healthcare systems after 1991
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Journalists in competitive authoritarian regimes. The case of Ukraine 2010-14
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Socio-Economic Cooperation Agreements and State-Business Relations in Russia’s Regions
An Analysis of Formal Contracts between State and Business Actors
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Corruption in Small and Medium Business in Russia
Interviews with representatives of small and medium businesses, customs brokers, and business association representatives in St. Petersburg
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Telegram Revolution: Technical and Conceptual Innovations of the 2020 Belarusian Protest
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Defending business interests in Russia
Collective action and social investments as bargaining chip
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Compilation of economy-related country rankings
Country rankings related to economic systems, socio-economic development and business environments covering the post-Soviet region since 1992 (or earliest available dates)
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Public Political Protests in Russia 2014-17 (by Alexandra Arkhipova)
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Protest mobilization and cooptation of parliamentary opposition parties in Russia's regions
A quantitative data set on protest organization and participation by Russian parliamentary opposition parties during the "for fair elections" protests between December '11 and March '12
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Protest related questions in nation-wide public opinion polls in Russia from 1994 to 2017 (Levada Center)
Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys
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Leadership Groups of Civic Initiatives in Armenia
Cases of Teghut, Dem em and Electric Yerevan
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Mass Demonstrations and Mass Violent Events in the Former USSR, 1987-1992
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Protest Event Database Kazakhstan 2010-19
Over 100 systematically coded protest events in Kazakhstan from 01 January 2010 until 31 October 2019
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Media reporting on Export Pipelines in the Caspian Region
Results of Quantitative Content Analysis of Domestic Media Reporting on Export Pipelines from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, 1998-2011
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Ukrainian Protest and Coercion Data, 2009-2016
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Protest Events, Photos, and Slogans (PEPS)
Mapping the Russian Protest Wave of 2011-13 (by Mischa Gabowitsch and Olga Sveshnikova)
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Non-Academic Political Regime-Related Country Rankings 1992-2017
Compilation of non-academic country rankings related to political regimes and sub-categories of political regimes covering the post-Soviet region since 1992 (or earliest available dates)
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The National Healthcare Reform Program of the Kyrgyz Republic ‘Den Sooluk’ (2012-2018)
A qualitative dataset of 543 documents produced by the national and international actors involved in the program
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Voices of Students: Attitudes towards Corruption in Khabarovsk
A set of quantitative and qualitative data on academic dishonesty and corruption among students in Russia
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Dataset on Ukrainian oligarchs 2000-2016
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Corruption in Ukraine's traffic police
A quantitative data set on monitoring of corruption in State Traffic Inspection (STI) of the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine. Cross-sectional surveys among drivers in Kharkiv region from 2007/2008.
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Corruption in higher education in Russia and Ukraine
A dataset of 52 semi-structured interviews collected during 2011-2013
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