COVID-19 in the Russian Federation

1201 daily reports from 2020-01-31 to 2023-05-15

Version 1.0, published: Aug. 10, 2023

Open Access

Aleksei Kupriianov

Main category: Social Policy
Alexei Kouprianov (2023): COVID-19 in the Russian Federation, v. 1.0, Discuss Data, <doi:10.48320/9FD27ACA-7865-4E75-9C59-582A7CBB7A39>.


This repository contains data on COVID-19 epidemics in the Russian Federation from 2020-01-31 through 2023-05-15. The dataset is based on a range of sources. The very first cases were collected from the news reports. Since 2020-03-05 the data were manually extracted from the official reports published by Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing / Russia) at its own website. From 2020-04-09 on, Rospotrebnadzor reports were available in machine-readable formats (a regular HTML table and then, from 2020-04-29, as a JSON string) at the "Стопкоронавирус.рф" (Stopkoronavirus) web portal on a daily basis through 2023-05-15, when the reporting scheme was changed from daily to weekly reports. For all days, the data contain numbers for confirmed COVID-19 cases, recovered from COVID-19, and COVID-19-associated deaths by regions. From 2021-10-17 on, it also contains numbers of vaccinated against COVID-19, and, from 2022-01-25 on, of the COVID-19-associated hospitalizations. The scripts needed to load the data into the R environment and to produce derived statistics and infographics as well as examples of infographics and an extended assessment of the data quality are also provided.


Russia Ukraine


Official Statistics Covid-19 Pandemic

Language of data

English Russian


Demography Public Health

Methods of data collection

Document Analysis Web Scraping

Methods of data analysis

Descriptive Statistics