Dicuss Data Categories
Archival Materials
This category contains information on historical sources that are available from researchers as scans or digital images. The rationale behind this is that since 2022 Russia's military attack on Ukraine has severely restricted access to archives in both countries for researchers. The material which is available from previously conducted archival visits by other scholars shall be included in this category. To rule out copyright infringements, only metadata is accepted, not the digitized material itself. However, interested researchers can then contact the providers directly.
Civil Society and Interest Groups

This category contains data collections on civil society, interest groups, civil society organisations, volunteers and social movements. Data on protests can be found in the separate category „Protests“.

This category employs a broad definition of corruption. That means data collections covering behaviour or perceptions related to corruption, bribery, embezzlement or informal relations in a broader sense aimed at potentially illegitimate private gains can be included in this category.
Economic History and Economics
This category comprises economy-related data collections with a focus on the 20th century, thus mainly covering the economic history of the Soviet Union, but also the so-called transformation period after it's collapse.

This category contains data collections related to education, comprising state as well as private and primary to tertiary education.
Elections and Referendums

This category contains datasets related to elections and referendums including those related to election campaigns, election monitoring and voting intentions of the population. Please note that there are separate categories for “Protests” as well as “Journalistic and Social Media”. If any of these categories is a better fit, they should be selected as first category, while the category “Elections and Referendums” can be added as additional category. The category “Opinion Polls” is used as first category only if no other category fits.
This category includes quantitative as well as qualitative datasets related to political, economic or cultural elites. It covers biographical data as well as stated opinions of elite members.
GDR Research
This category covers all data collections related to the German Democratic Republic (1949 to 1990) and its legacies. The category "GDR research" is administered by the team of the "Mod-Block DDR" project, which receives financial support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Journalistic and Social media

The category includes all data related to journalistic media (i.e. classical mass media) and social media, thus covering the core of media studies.
Migration and Displacement

This category contains data on migration processes and their outcomes in post-Soviet space. In more detail, it covers the topics of voluntary and forced mobility, integration, migrant rights and transnationalism.
This category covers all data selections, which do not yet have a suitable category on Discuss Data. Discuss Data will add categories as soon as several related data collections have been uploaded.
Political Parties and Politicians

This category contains data sets on political actors, particularly parties and politicians. If you’re looking for data on electoral results, please note that there is a separate category “Elections and Referendums”. Data on less formalized collective actors, such as social movements and protest groups, can be found in the category “Protests”.
This category comprises all data collections related to public protests, their organizers, their perception and immediate state reactions, namely by security organs.
Public Opinion

This category covers quantitative as well as qualitative interviews providing insights into "public opinion", covering a broad range of topics or addressing broad concepts like political culture or identity. The core of this category is formed by representative, sample-based opinion polls. Polls are not necessarily countrywide, but cover at least a region or a large segment of the population. Polls have to adhere to established international standards. This category also includes qualitative interviews and focus groups if they attempt to gauge public opinion. Please note that the category “public opinion” is used as first category for a data collection only if no other category fits. If interviews address a specific topic which is offered as DiscussData category, this category is the first choice and “public opinion” is selected as additional category.
This category covers data that fall within Security Studies field broadly defined, which along with armed conflict, international security, and peace and conflict resolution, also includes human security, food security and other aspects of traditional and critical security studies.
Social Policy
This category includes all data collections related to social policies, comprising social security programmes, pensions and health. The category also covers public perception and political debates about these issues. Please note that Discuss Data has a separate category for "education". The category "social policy" is administered by the team of CRC 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" at the University of Bremen.