Innovation and eco-innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises
Version 1.0, published: Feb. 11, 2023.
Open Access
The data show the innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises according to their size (small, medium, and large) with special emphasize on their eco-innovation activity, which is central to the efforts to achieve environmental sustainability and green growth of the national economy as a whole. The results of a questionnaire survey of 254 Ukrainian enterprises of different sizes presents data on Ukrainian enterprises’ current state and foreign trade activity, opportunities and barriers for the implementation of technological innovations and eco-innovations. The empirical analysis of collected data shows that eco-innovation activity of firms of all sizes are growing, but large enterprises are more eco-innovative than SMEs. The relationships between the export and eco-innovative activity is also explored. The analysis of the relationships between the export activity and eco-innovative activity showed that SMEs are less eco-innovative in comparison with large enterprises, have less number of exporters than large firms, but exporters are more eco-innovative than non-exporters.
Based on the interview surveys it has been found that the most important drivers of eco-innovative activity in Ukraine are the following: existing environmental regulations and taxes, improvement of the company’s reputation on the market, as well as the reduction in operating costs on energy, water and materials. The data also show that despite the different levels of eco-innovativeness in Ukraine and Germany, the main drivers to eco-innovation are roughly the same in these two countries.
Institution: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of International Relations, Department of International Economic Relations
Title of research: “Innovative and eco-innovative activities of enterprises in Ukraine”
The purpose of the survey: to analyze the participation of Ukrainian enterprises in foreign economic activity, as well as to investigate the current state, opportunities, incentives and barriers in their implementation of technological and ecological innovations.
The number of surveyed enterprises represented by their top managers: 254
Survey period: 10.09.2016 - 22.12.2016.
Geographic coverage of the study: all regions of Ukraine, except for the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol and parts of the zone of anti-terrorist operation.
Ukraine Eco-Innovation Innovation Activity Smes Exporters Drivers To Eco-Innovation Germany
Language of data
Methods of data collection
Semi-Structured Interviews, Desk Research, Secondary Data Analysis
Methods of data analysis
Empirical Analysis, Comparative And Descriptive Methods Of Analysis