Ukrainian Protest and Coercion Data, 2009-2016
Version 1.0, published: Dec. 16, 2020.
Metadata only
Ukrainian Protest and Coercion Data (UPCD) systematically collected and coded all protest events that took place in Ukraine between October 2009 and December 2016, regardless of their size and demands, as well as the data on positive and negative responses to them. It was based on daily systematic monitoring of almost 200 regularly rotated web newsfeeds that covered local news in all Ukrainian regions (oblasts) as well as some major Ukrainian national and activist media.
UPCD database consists of two parts:
1) Database of events, which includes the type of action used by the protesters (protest repertoire), information about
participants and their goals, place and time of the event, the number of protesters, general description of each event, and other variables.
2) Database of full-text reports with an indication of source and date of publication. It can be used for more in-depth analysis or for re-coding of the events.
Information in the two databases is connected via the unique ID of each event.
In total, the UPCD database contains about 63,000 coded events, including over 18,000 events for the period from the start of Maidan protests (21 November 2013) through the signing of the first Minsk accords, which stabilized the frontline in Donbass (5 September 2014).
At the moment, only the UPCD codebooks are accessible. They explain the data collection, the coding rules and categories, and include samples of media-sources for the periods of 2009-2010 and 2011-2016 (some significant changes in coding were introduced since 2011). Access to the coded events and reports datasets will be open ca. 2022 for academic research purposes only. Please, contact Dr. Volodymyr Ishchenko with requests for permission to use the dataset (email:
Social Movements Protest Maidan Anti-Maidan Repression Concession
Language of data
Media Studies Political Science Sociology
Methods of data collection
Methods of data analysis
Content Analysis Descriptive Statistics Social Network Analysis Statistical Analysis