The National Healthcare Reform Program of the Kyrgyz Republic ‘Den Sooluk’ (2012-2018)
A qualitative dataset of 543 documents produced by the national and international actors involved in the program
Version 1.0, published: Oct. 28, 2020.
Open Access
This data collection aims to record and provide an overview of the interaction between the international and national actors involved in the National Healthcare Reform Program ‘Den Sooluk’ (2012-2018). More specifically, it contains the information on healthcare indicators, meetings between the actors (e.g., joint missions, reviews, summits, thematic meetings, and round tables), reports by the Ministry of Health, relevant research, evaluations, and government decrees related to the national program.
This data was collected within the framework of the research, which aimed to analyze the Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in the health sector of the Kyrgyz Republic. The SWAp is intended to unite the efforts of national and international actors under the initiative and leadership of an aid-recipient government. In doing so, it aims to improve the cooperation between the actors and decrease the fragmentation of development aid. The above-mentioned data collection provides elaborate detail on the actors participating in the healthcare reform program and their contributions to it.
International Organisations Healthcare Den Sooluk Sector-Wide Approach