Readiness of Ukrainians to Participate in Social Protest Actions (2009-2021)
Data from National Public Opinion Polls Conducted by Kyiv International Institute of Sociology
Version 1.0, published: March 17, 2023.
Open Access
The merged dataset contains the results of the monitoring of (repeated) public opinion surveys conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in the period from 2009 to 2021 on people's willingness to participate in social protest actions.
To measure people's willingness to participate in social protests, the question "What social protest actions would you personally be willing to participate in? "was used, with the possibility of choosing any number of answers from the list of forms of protest (participation in election campaigns; collecting signatures for collective appeals (demands, calls); sanctioned meetings and demonstrations; threat of strike; boycott (refusal to comply with decisions of the administration, authorities); Unauthorised meetings and demonstrations; Participation in strikes; Hunger strikes; Picketing state institutions, blocking their work; Seizure of buildings; Creation of armed groups independent of the authorities; Other) or 'I am not ready to take part in any mass protest action'.
This question has been included in regular KIIS omnibus surveys, usually once a year.
All surveys were conducted with samples representative of the adult population of Ukraine (18 years and older), with an average sample size of about 2000 respondents.
For ease of analysis, the results of the individual surveys have been combined into a single dataset comprising 14 surveys with a total of 28,347 respondents.
This dataset contains the original raw data as a .SAV file (Ukrainian, English) and a converted .XLSX file with a codebook (Ukrainian, English).
The Documentation of Data Collection includes a description of the methodology and the main results of the survey.
Protest Social Policy Public Opinion Polls Language Usage Protest Mobilization Social Protest Protest Intention
Language of data
Comparative Politics Socia Movement Studies Sociology
Methods of data collection
Cati (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews) Face-To-Face Survey