Monitoring COVID-19 epidemic in St. Petersburg, Russia
data and scripts
Version 1.0, published: Feb. 2, 2023.
Metadata only
The present publication provides metadata and description for a repository published to GitHub [] and updated daily. The repository contains data on the COVID-19 epidemic in St. Petersburg (Russia), scripts for data transformation, infographics, and narrative reports (in Russian). It summarizes data published on the websites "стопкоронавирус.рф",, and, in the telegram channel @koronavirusspb and, in some cases, in the on-line periodicals. The data were already published partly in other repositories (the 'official' federal version of confirmed, recovered, and deaths is published as a part of [], an extended set of variables for St. Petersburg for the period to 2021-06-02 was published at COVID-19.SPb [ and at Discuss Data, <doi:10.48320/BC161481-EFD8-47E1-9DB2-5FEF59FEEFA9>] but is wider in scope of variables and extends beyond 2021-06-02 into the present. The data files contain key variables related to the dynamics of the COVID-19 epidemics in St. Petersburg including not only confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered but also hospitalization and (partly) vaccination statistics, including pieces of data not published elsewhere and obtained through communication with medical authorities. An important difference from COVID-19.SPb is the presence of extended illustrated analytic reports based on report templates and updated daily in semi-automatic mode. The DiscussData version contains metadata only because the GitHub version is still being constantly updated. It is planned to publish here a stable copy of the repository when the COVID-19 epidemic will come to its end or when the COVID-19 epidemic reporting schemes as we know them will cease to exist.
It would not be possible to complete the first working version of this project (August 2021) without the support by Alexander Shishlov (at the time, the St. Petersburg Ombudsman), to whom I am cordially indebted. Hans Koschnick
Sonderstipendium and a hospitable milieu of Forschungsstelle Osteuropa at the University of Bremen helped me to bring this project to DiscussData.
St. Petersburg Covid-19 Pandemic
Language of data
Methods of data collection
Document Analysis Web Scraping