Ukraine in global indices of political regimes and democratic quality
Selected values for the period 1991 - 2023
Version 1.0, published: May 22, 2024.
Open Access
This data collection contains the values for Ukraine in global overall indices of political regimes / democratic quality as well as global indices assessing elections and electoral integrity and those assessing media freedom.
The data collection covers indices published by Bertelsmann Foundation, Economist Intelligence Unit, Electoral Integrity Project, Freedom House, Polity5, Reporters without Borders, V-Dem Institute.
This data collection contains an excel file with 9 sheets presenting the country values for Ukraine from 1991 to 2023 in the different indices and a pdf-file with a documentation of data collection which provides an overview of the data.
The data have been compiled within a research project on political reforms in Ukraine. The publications using this data collection will be listed in the "Publications" section of this data collection as soon as they have been published.
Political Regimes Media Freedom Elections Democracy