Corporate Grant Competitions and Corporate Volunteering in Russian Regions
Russian Business and the Authoritarian Welfare State
Version 1.0, published: Sept. 5, 2023.
Restricted access
The data set for the case study on corporate social programmes in Russia’s regions consists of the following data: (a) overview of 116 in-depth interviews that were conducted between September and December 2028; (b) overview of 38 annual corporate social responsibility CSR reports of the 45 largest companies for the year 2018 in the three investigated branches (retail, oil and gas, metallurgy), (c) full texts of 38 published CSR reports for the year 2018, (d) overview of the 16 major corporate grant competitions in Russia, (e) 29 screenshots and pdf documents with information on corporate grant competitions, (f) overview of nine media reports with bibliographical information on corporate social responsibility and corporate philanthropy in Russia (author, article title, newspaper, date of publication, URL).
Russian Regions Social Policy Business Russian Politics Civil Society Philanthropy
Language of data
Methods of data collection
Document Analysis Media Analysis Semi-Structured Interviews