Does published data become the property of Discuss Data?
No, data published with Discuss Data remain the property of the original data creator(s). Discuss Data preserves, stores and disseminates the data for you, but does not own the data or hold any rights in the collection, unless added-value work has been undertaken as part of processing in-house.
First steps: Overview
First steps for new users
- FAQs
Data Upload
- Edit License & Access
- Edit Metadata
- Edit Data Set Description & Add Tags
- Edit Dataset Description
- Dataset Publishing
- Edit Dataset Versions
- Manage Datafiles
- Edit Related Publications
- Data Set Upload
- edit-dataset-metadata
- dataset-list
- Edit collaboration
- dataset-overview
- dataset-copyright-declaration
- dataset_curation
- edit-dataset-description-add-tags
- Edit Data Submission Agreement
Best Practices
- Best Practices for Data Submission
- Best Practices for the Documentation of Data Collection
- Checklist for the Documentation of Data Collection
- Best Practices for Discussion
- Best Practices for Curators
- Best Practices for Interviews
- Best Practices for Informed Consent
- Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
- Rules