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Opinions and Views of the Population of Ukraine: September 2024 (KIIS Omnibus 2024/09)
Data from a nationwide public opinion poll conducted by KIIS in September-October 2024
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How Russians perceive Russia's invasion of Ukraine, 2023
Ethnographic research in 3 Russian regions, semi-structured interviews and ethnographic diaries
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Public opinion poll "War, Peace, Victory and the Future"
National face-to-face opinion poll representative of the population in government-controlled territories of Ukraine on the war-related issues (June 2023)
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Civic Consciousness and Vision of War in Ukrainian Public Opinion
National face-to-face opinion poll representative of the population in government-controlled territories of Ukraine (August 2024)
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Readiness of the Ukrainian population for territorial concessions (May 2022 – May 2024)
Merged data from nationwide public opinion surveys conducted by KIIS from May 2022 to May 2024
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Public opinion on the 29th anniversary of Ukraine's independence (August 2020)
National face-to-face opinion poll representative of the population in government-controlled territories of Ukraine
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Relations with Russia: monitoring of public opinion in Ukraine (1993-2023)
Merged data from public opinion polls conducted by KIIS from 1993 to 2023
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Snap Poll of Perception of Russia-Ukraine War in Kyrgyzstan, 2022
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The Four Modi of Russia’s Forced Naturalization of Ukrainians
Passportization and its Implications for Transitional Justice
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How Russians perceive Russia's invasion of Ukraine, 2022
A large collection of semi-structured interviews
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Emigration of reservists escaping partial mobilization in Russia
Interviews with male reservists who fled Russia after the announcement of partial mobilization in September, 2022
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Informal Practices in Doing Business in the Russian Far East
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Ukrainian public opinion about the future of Crimea (Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation)
Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys in 2016, 2018 and 2021
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War on Ukraine Talks
Talks at the International Level With Ukraine And/Or Russia in the Wake Of/During the War in Ukraine
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kremlin_en - A textual dataset based on the contents published on the English-language version of the Kremlin’s website
A corpus in tabular format with all posts published on the official website of the president of the Russian Federation between 31 December 1999 and 31 December 2020
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Protests Russia 2011 / 2012: YouTube Videos
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Russian Youth and Corruption
Attitudes towards corruption among Russian students (by CISR)
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