Dataset of Russian Telegram Channels with Political Agenda


Version 1.0, published: Dec. 24, 2023

Open Access

Aleksandra Rumiantseva

Curated by: Heiko Pleines
Aleksandra Rumiantseva, Yana Otlan (2023): Dataset of Russian Telegram Channels with Political Agenda, v. 1.0, Discuss Data, <doi:10.48320/C83A0C4F-1433-4DA9-8FA5-E06537989A1E>.


This dataset contains data from the most popular Russian telegram channels with political agendas from 2017 to 2023. Data includes the name of the channel, its type, the message’s body, and references. The dataset does not include private information such as user's comments or personal messages. All posts were published either anonymously or via official accounts. A sample of the raw data was preprocessed with STM and classified using 75 topics. In total, there are 1.157.959 messages in the raw data and 586932 in the sample.

This data collection comprises a file with the raw data (all_texts_with_add_info.xlsx (in two parts)), a file with the pre-processed data (sample_stm.xlsx), the list of topics (topics.xlsx), the R code which has been used for pre-processing (stm_supplementary.R) and the documentation of data collection (Documentation of Data Collection.pdf).




Social Media Telegram Russia

Language of data



Media Studies

Methods of data collection

Web Scraping

Methods of data analysis

Structural Topic Model (Stm)