Data Sets
Data Set
Summary of the Year 2023: Public Opinion of Ukrainians
National face-to-face opinion poll representative of the population in government-controlled territories of Ukraine (December 2023)
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Relations with Russia: monitoring of public opinion in Ukraine (1993-2023)
Merged data from public opinion polls conducted by KIIS from 1993 to 2023
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The Four Modi of Russia’s Forced Naturalization of Ukrainians
Passportization and its Implications for Transitional Justice
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Russo-Ukrainian war and Ukrainian resistance: in-depth interviews – autumn-winter 2022-2023
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Ukrainian public opinion about the future of Crimea (Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation)
Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys in 2016, 2018 and 2021
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Western Sanctions in the Perception of the Russian Population (Public Opinion Polls by the Levada Center)
Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys 2014-22
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Foreign countries in the perception of the Russian population 1997-2022 (Public opinion polls by the Levada Center)
Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys
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War on Ukraine Talks
Talks at the International Level With Ukraine And/Or Russia in the Wake Of/During the War in Ukraine
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Debates about export pipelines from the post-Soviet region: Opinion leaders and advocacy coalitions
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The Framing of the "Ukraine crisis" in German political talk shows 2013- 2014
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