Central Asia Barometer Survey Waves 1-9 (2017-2021)
Version 1.0, published: April 19, 2024. Open Access 406
The Central Asia Barometer Survey is a research study collecting public opinion survey data from nationally representative samples of respondents of voting age (18+) in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. The survey uses probability sampling methods (stratified, cluster, and simple random sampling) and has employed both face-to-face and telephone survey modes, with certain variations between the studied countries and over time (e.g., CAB switched to the telephone mode during the COVID-19 pandemic).
The goal of the project is to obtain a reliable reading of public opinion over time in several countries with fieldwork conducted simultaneously. The project has collected data on topics such as political and economic situation, attitudes towards the government, relations between ethnic groups, opinions of political leaders, opinions of other countries, public health, and media use.
A total of 9 surveys or waves of biannual cross-sectional data collection were conducted between 2017 and 2021, with Wave 1 data collection taking place in June/July 2017 and Wave 9 data collection taking place in May-September 2021.
The data are available for the following countries and waves: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan (Waves 1-9) and Turkmenistan (Waves 4-6). For each country participating in a particular wave, data were collected from between 1500 (Waves 1-7) and 2000 respondents (Waves 8 and 9).
In this data collection, all files related to one CAB wave have been uploaded as one zip file, with a total of nine zip files. Each of them contains data files in SPSS, Stata, and Excel formats, with one file per country, along with a method report, the original questionnaires in the official languages of the countries, and an English translation as pdf files. Further information about the CAB Survey is available online at https://ca-barometer.org/en.
Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan
Political Elites Political Situation Economic Situation Attitudes Towards The Government Relations Between Ethnic Groups Political Opinions Opinions About Other Countries Media Use Public Opinion Public Health
Language of data
English Kazakh Kyrgyz Russia Tajik Turkmen Uzbek
Demography Political Science Political Sociology Social Research Sociology
Methods of data collection
Cross-Sectional Survey Face-To-Face Survey Public Opinion Poll Repeated Cross-Sectional Survey Telephone Survey