Data Set
Relations with Russia: monitoring of public opinion in Ukraine (1993-2023)
Merged data from public opinion polls conducted by KIIS from 1993 to 2023
Version 1.0, published: May 9, 2024.
The dataset contains data gathered from a series of public opinion polls conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in the period from 1993 to 2023 on how Ukrainians would like to see relations between Ukraine and Russia. To assess public opinion on this issue, the question "How would you like to see Ukraine's relations with Russia?" with the answer options "They should be the same as with other states - with closed borders, visas, customs"; "Ukraine and Russia should be independent but friendly states - with open borders, no visas, and no customs"; "Ukraine and Russia should unite into one state" was used.
The background information includes respondents' socio-demographic profiles (gender, age, education, nationality, occupation, self-assessment of financial situation) and place of residence (oblast, type of settlement).
All survey waves were conducted with samples representative of the adult population of Ukraine (18 years and older), with an average sample size of about 2000 respondents.
The merged dataset includes 82 polls for the period of 1993-2023 with a total of 166,314 respondents.
The data is available in an SAV format (Ukrainian, English), as well as a converted CSV format (with a codebook).
The Data Documentation (pdf file) also includes a short overview and discussion of survey results.
Russia Ukraine Russo-Ukrainian War International Relations
Language of data
International Relations Political Science Sociology