Readiness of the Ukrainian population for territorial concessions (May 2022 – May 2024)
Merged data from nationwide public opinion surveys conducted by KIIS from May 2022 to May 2024
Version 1.0, published: Aug. 20, 2024.
Open Access
The dataset includes data collected from a series of public opinion polls conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) from May 2022 to May 2024, on the question aimed at measuring the readiness of the Ukrainian population for territorial concessions to end the war. The question used was: 'Which of these statements about possible compromises to achieve peace with Russia do you agree with more?' The answer options were: 'To achieve peace as quickly as possible and maintain independence, Ukraine may give up some of its territories,' or 'Under no circumstances should Ukraine give up any of its territories, even if it means the war will last longer and there will be threats to maintaining independence.'
The background information includes respondents' socio-demographic profiles (gender, age, education, nationality, occupation, self-assessment of financial situation) and place of residence (oblast, type of settlement).
The merged dataset includes data from 10 polls from May 2022 to May 2024 with a total of 14,197 respondents.
All survey waves were conducted with samples representative of the adult population (18 years and older) of Ukraine (within the territories controlled by the Ukrainian government as of February 24, 2022) using the CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview) method. During the first year of monitoring, this question was typically asked of all 2,000 respondents. In subsequent surveys, it was asked of a subsample of 1,000 respondents.
The data is available in an SAV format (Ukrainian, English) and a converted CSV format (with a codebook).
The Data Documentation (pdf file) also includes a short overview and discussion of survey results.
Russia Ukraine Russo-Ukrainian War Conflict And Peace Studies