Monitoring of Labour Protests in Russia
Version 1.0, published: June 2, 2021.
Restricted access
Note: A newer version of this dataset has been published Version 1.2
Petr Bizyukov, Jan Matti Dollbaum, Using protest event analysis to study labour conflict in authoritarian regimes: The Monitoring of Labour Protest dataset, in: , Global Social Policy, Volume 21 Number 1 April 2021, 2021,
uses datasetPetr Bizyukov and Elena Gerasimova, The Strike Movement and Labour Protests in Russia, in: «Workers' Movements and Strikes in the Twenty-First Century A Global Perspective», Edited by Jörg Nowak, Madhumita Dutta, and Peter Birke, Rowman and Little: London, 2018
uses datasetBizyukov P., Labor Protests in Russia: Territorial and Sectoral Localization 2008–2016., in: Mir Rossii, vol. 28, no 1, Moscow, 2019, 75–100,,
uses datasetPetr Bizyukov, Die jüngsten Arbeitsproteste im russischen Gesundheitswesen, in: Russland-Analysen Nr. 389 vom 20.07.2020, 2020,
uses dataset