Panel Study of Russian Public Opinion and Attitudes (PROPA)
Wave 1
Version 1.0, published: May 23, 2024.
Open Access
Online survey of Russian respondents aged over 18 and residing in Russian Federation (convenient sample recruited through the online marketplace panels) conducted from March 13 to March 21, 2024 on the eve and during Russian presidential elections. Sample size is 4,757.
The first wave of the Panel Study of Russian Public Opinion and Attitudes (PROPA), conducted between March 13 and March 21, 2024, offers a comprehensive insight into the political and economic sentiment among Russian citizens. The survey was run via an online survey involving 4,757 participants.
The participants, all Russian residents 18 years old and older, completed the survey in 22 minutes on average, with incentives such as gift certificates. The demographics is slightly skewed towards younger women. Respondents with higher education were over-represented in the sample due to the nature of the online survey method.
The survey covers the following topics: socio-economic characteristics and situation of the respondents, media consumption, political position in relation to the presidential elections and to the Russo-Ukrainian war, voting preferences and perceptions of electoral integrity as well as visions of Russia's future.
Datasets are in .csv and .sav formats. OpeningDataset is in .R format. Questionnaire is in .pdf format.
Russian Politics Russo-Ukrainian War Media Consumption Political Support Voting Behavior Perceptions Of Electoral Integrity
Language of data
Political Science Political Sociology Sociology