Data Set
“Morphological Analysis of Narratives of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict in Western Academia and Think-Tank Community”: the comprehensive list of the analyzed sources
Version 1.0, published: Dec. 10, 2021.
A list of academic and analytical (think tank) sources (articles, book chapters, policy papers, etc.) on the Ukrainian-Russian conflict published in 2014-2019 in 7 countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, the UK, the US), which were the primary data for the article “Morphological Analysis of Narratives of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict in Western Academia and Think-Tank Community”, accepted for publication in Problems of Post-Communism. For the detailed description of the principles of dataset formation, please see the relevant section of the article.
The list contains 1009 positions, in particular:
France: 65 academic sources, 44 analytical (think tank) sources;
Germany: 13 academic sources, 65 analytical (think tank) sources;
Greece: 17 academic sources, 27 analytical (think tank) sources;
Italy: 8 academic sources, 52 analytical (think tank sources), 30 professional periodicals sources;
Poland: 157 academic sources, 158 analytical (think tank) sources;
the United Kingdom: 85 academic sources, 115 analytical (think tank) sources;
the United States: 35 academic sources, 138 journals of commentary sources
The dataset itself is not archivised due to the copyright restrictions and logistical limitations. Still, all the sources in the list are provided with full bibliographical information including identificators - DOI, national databases identificators, ISBNs or direct links (where applicable).
Language of data
English French German Italian Modern Greek Polish
Discourse Studies International Relations