How Ukrainians assess reforms, corruption and civic activism in October 2022
Version 1.0, published: Jan. 3, 2023.
Open Access
This dataset contains the data of an online survey, that was commissioned by Vox:Ukraine and implemented by Info Sapiens between 12-30 October 2022. The survey had three sets of questions: on reforms (importance of reforms, expected result and impediments to reforms), on corruption, and on civic activism.
The sample (2113 respondents above the age of 18 who lived in government-controlled areas of Ukraine as of February 23rd, including those who moved abroad after February 24th) is representative for Ukraine’s population by sex, age, settlement size and region according to Ukrstat data as of 01.01.22. The data is available in a spreadsheet (.xlsx) in Ukrainian language.
Corruption Bribery Reforms Civil Society Civic Activism
Language of data
Comparative Politics Sociology
Methods of data collection
Online Interview Online Questionnaire