Data Set
Defending business interests in Russia
Collective action and social investments as bargaining chip
Version 1.0, published: March 18, 2021.
The data set includes a data description and partially original data (original documents etc.) related to a study on state-business relations in Russia. The study investigates the role of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) as an intermediary organizations and reveals under which conditions the business association and its member-companies were able to secure contested property rights and defend their interests in a 2018/2019 negotiation on the introduction of an extra profit tax for chemical and metallurgical companies. The study spells out that social investments have become a crucial bargaining chip for Russian business actors in the negotiations with the state.
Business Political Economy Tax Policy State-Business Relations Business Associations Russian Union Of Industrialists And Entrepreneurs (Ruie) Negotiation
Language of data
Political Science Political Sociology
Methods of data collection
Document Collection Media Analysis Semi-Structured Interviews